Things Teenagers Say Volume 20

Takeaways from the latest set of crazy things my kids say in class:

* My students will never stop thinking of me as a crazy cat lady. 

* I've also taken up the title of "crazy plant lady."  And, I do NOT have a green thumb.  

* My kiddos say what they think.  A lot.  

Previous Volumes:
Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4 | Volume 5  
Volume 6 | Volume 7 | Volume 8 | Volume 9 | Volume 10
Volume 11 | Volume 12 | Volume 13 | Volume 14 | Volume 15
Volume 16 | Volume 17 | Volume 18 | Volume 19


I didn't really know what teachers did after school.


Ms. Hagan, everything that you say is really cool is actually really lame.


After telling a group of students about my Twitter Math Camp experience...

Student: Could I go with you next year to Twitter Math Camp?  I could be your math camp assistant!  
Me: Ha ha.  I don't think I need an assistant.  
Student:  At golf tournaments, the players have golf caddies.  I could be your calculator caddie. 


Student: Slope. Ugh.
Me: Students complaining in class. Ugh.
Student: Go to the office.
Me: Well, then...


I can't see that. I'm mentally blind.


So, I read stalked you on twitter last night.  I was like: "How funny could a teacher actually be on twitter?!?"  But, then I just sat on my bed and read your twitter and laughed out loud.  You're actually funny!


Student: Can you pull your hair in front of your ears?
Me: Yesssssss...
Student: Will you do it?
Me: Whyyyyyyyyyy?
Student: Well, I've only ever seen your hair behind your ears.  I was starting to wonder if it was surgically attached there. 
Me: Getting back to the lesson now...


Student 1: Ms. Hagan, you need to step up your calculator game.
Student 2: Ms. Hagan's calculator game is strong.


Could you kiss a pig?  I mean, you can't have meat on your mouth.


I thought you would be okay with kissing a pig.  You love animals.  I mean you don't eat them.  


Are you going to take your cats trick-or-treating?


When you take up for the cats like that, we know you're a cat lady.


Why aren't you doing prom?  You could use the extra money you'd make to buy more cat food.


You mean this tape measure is in inches?



Are you going to take your mask off in honor of Halloween?


Can you desmos this?


ALL of your calculators are broken.
It turns out hitting the enter button does not turn on a graphing calculator...


Do you know what I say when people ask me if I have a math class? I say no; I have a roller coaster class.


How could you be scared of Ms. Hagan?  She talks to her plants.


People who love math are always lonely. 

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