Common Core Resources from OGAP Training - Summer 2013

Summertime means sleeping in (sometimes), attending workshops and conferences galore, my church's annual turtle race to celebrate the end of VBS, and mowing the lawn.  It also means looking through ideas to implement during the next school year.  I love leaving a workshop or conference with a binder full of great ideas.  But, when in need of inspiration, I usually turn to the Internet for help - not my shelf of giant binders.  This summer, one of my goals is to get organized.  And, one way I can do that is to type up my conference notes.  Then, I can use my blog's lovely search feature when I'm looking for something!  Smart, right?  Plus, these resources might also inspire one of my readers.  Double win!

As I prepare to attend my second summer of the Oklahoma Geometry and Algebra Project (OGAP), I'm revisiting my notes from last summer's conference.  Enjoy!

NCSM Great Tasks (6-12)
Strength in Numbers: Collaborative Learning in Secondary Mathematics (Just Finished. SO GOOD!)
MPJ's Ultimate Math Lessons
A Visual Approach to Functions

We should strive to have students build, model, and reflect instead of memorize and regurgitate.

Have students construct their own parabolas.  (Blogged about this one here - Wax Paper Parabolas)

Article Recommendation: Faster Isn't Smarter: Messages About Math, Teaching, and Learning in the 21st Century by Cathy L. Seeley

Partner Problems - identical to Kate's Row Game
Slope Example (Page 4-5 of PDF)

G.C.A.2 Tangent Lines Application from HCPSS

Insects In The Water Quadratic Functions Activity from Dana Center

How Do They Fit? Tarsia Activities (Square Puzzles) from Public Schools of North Carolina

Play Graphing Scattergories 

Demonstrate Composition of Function using Peanut M&M's - Can't find exact link for this.  Here's an example where Peanut M&M's are used to explain the Chain Rule in Calculus

True Colors Personality Test - Blogged About Here and Here

Collaborative Learning Tips:
* Make sure everybody in the group has a specific job.
* Focus on 1 Problem
* Don't expect every group to finish
* Give each group only one copy of the question - encourages cooperative work!

Paper Cup Review Strategy
* Gather 10ish review problems you would like your students to complete.
* Place each review problem in a paper/plastic cup.
* Around Easter time, you could place each problem in an easter egg!
* Assign each person in the group a job.
 - Traveler - Selects problems and directs consensus
 - Reader - Makes sure the group understands the question
 - Recorder - Makes sure that each person is recording all problem solutions
 - Question Seeker - Leads dialogue by asking, "Does this make sense?" or "How do we know" or "Why?"
* Give each student a recording sheet.  (Empty square for each review problem.)
* Traveler goes to front of room and selects a cup.
* Group works together to solve that problem.  All students must agree on answer.  All students must show work on their own recording sheet.
* Can change group roles halfway through the activity.
* Ideal to have most groups finish 7-8 problems.
* Perfect semester test or standardized test review.
* Give every student a full copy of every question and every answer at completion of activity.
* When grading: Engagement > # of Problems Solved

Introduce function notation through a family tree example.  Taken from 1987 issue of Mathematics Teacher.  Online PDF of activity  (I tried this activity with my Algebra 2 students.  They were not at all familiar with the structure of a family tree.  Very confusing for them!)  Aligns with F-IF.1 and F-IF.2

Illustrative Tasks: A Sum of Functions (F-BF.A.1)

Bouncing Tennis Balls Task from NCTM Illuminations (S-ID.6 and S-ID.7)
Blogged about this activity here.

Use Move the Monster Activity to Introduce Transformations
Blogged about this activity here.

If your students are struggling with solving equations, introduce them to the do/undo method.  This method is especially great for solving literal equations.  Aligns to A-REI.3 and A-REI.1.  Tie in with wrapping a present analogy.  Actually wrap a present in front of the class.  See a foldable I made for this method here.

Find the Weights Problem from Problems With A Point
Great Introduction to A.REI.11 and N-Q.2
Introduction to Systems of Equations
Emphasizes Perseverance and Repeated Reasoning

Algeo Problem from Problems With A Point
With 8th Grade Common Core Geometry, this may be an Algebra 1 level problem.
Give students a page with 26 boxes to show work in.
My tablemates had a blast with this problem during the conference!

All Tied Up In Knots Lab for Solving Systems of Equations
Link to Instructions
Aligns to A.REI.6 and S-ID.6 and S-ID.7
(Note: Make the fatter rope the longest!)

Slide and Divide Factoring Strategy when a>1
(I taught this method this year, but I am not in love with it.  Next year, I will only be teaching factoring by grouping!)
Aligns to A-REI.4

Common Core requires Algebra 1 students to be very comfortable with finding/interpreting the discriminant!

Fun Factoring Practice
Page 20 of this PDF File

Fruit Loop Catapult - Can't find link to activity.  Sorry!

Our kids need to stop thinking like the book has taught them to think.  #1 should not be the easiest.  #25 should not be the hardest.

A Trip To The Lake
Give each group a large piece of graph paper!
First page is appropriate for Algebra 1
Entire activity is appropriate for Algebra 2
Don't put origin at bottom of graph.
Link to file

MARS Sorting Functions Activity

The Constant Chair - Can't find activity online.  Sorry!

Exponential Growth and Decay with Skittles

Dice - NO FIVES Activity
Give each group 50 dice.  Students roll dice.  Remove all 5s.  Record remaining number of dice.  Roll dice again.  Remove all 5s.  Record.  Roll, Remove, Record.  Continue until you run out of dice.  have students identify the domain and range of their data.  Sketch a scatterplot.  Determine what type of regression would be appropriate.  Find the regression equation.  What does the y-intercept of this equation mean in the context of the problem?

The Case of the Cooling Corpse
I really wanted to do this activity this year with my Algebra 2 students, but we ran out of time!

Illustrative Tasks Lake Algae

PISA Released Items - Great source of Common Core style questions!
M159 Speed of a Racing Car would make a great bellwork problem!
PDF File (Page 29)

Community Center Problem
PDF Page 15
F-IF.4, F-IF.5, F-IF.6
We added several other questions to this activity.
I did this problem with my Algebra 2 students this year, and they struggled with it majorly!  I gave it as a homework assignment that most did not turn in.  The students who came to me for one-on-one help were able to grasp the activity, but few came to me for help.

How Tall is Harold?
PDF Page 14
From CPM
Algebra 2 - Systems of Equations (Quadratics)

Interesting Shadow Problem (Similarity)
PDF File #5
Not the answer you would expect!  If I taught geometry, I'd definitely use this problem!

Four Cars Activity From Dana Center
Link to PDF
Refer to "Rate of Change" not "Slope"
Extension - graph everybody in your group's car.

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