What I'm Up To This Summer

Summer is already in full swing.  We've been out for a couple of weeks now.  The end of May has been filled with VBS prep, Friends of the Library Meetings, prom fundraising, and time spent with family.  Now that May is already over, I'm looking over my calendar to see just what I'm going to be busy with these next two months.  School starts back August 14th with two professional days before that.  But, I've got a ton to do before then!


* Vacation Bible School (5 Days) - This will be my 3rd year directing my church's VBS.  Our theme this year is River of Life.  VBS is a huge undertaking, but I love getting to interact with the kids.  Plus, I get to exercise my creative side with decorating and crafts.

Decoration Sneak Peek

* Story Hour at the Drumright Public Library - I'm pretty sure this is proof that I'm crazy or I just can't say no.  Well, actually, I volunteered to run the very first story hour at our local public library.  We're going to be reading If You Give A Pig A Pancake and making a fun pig-themed craft.

* TU School of Urban Education Breakfast and Brainstorming Session - My alma mater is inviting recent education graduates back for a breakfast to share our teaching experiences and insights on what works in our classrooms.

* Monthly Book Chat - My public library has a monthly book chat that is one of the highlights of my month.  What could be better than spending an hour eating dessert and talking about the books we've been reading.

* Tulsa Math Teachers' Circle Summer Immersion Program at Post Oak Lodge (3 Days) - I'm very excited for Math Teachers' Circle Training this summer!  It will be three jam-packed days of math problem solving, hiking, swimming, and hanging out with other math teachers!  I've had a blast at the Math Teachers' Circle Meetings I've attended this past school year, so I'm looking forward to the immersion program!  

* Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics Summer Conference (1 Day) - This will be my second year attending this conference and my first year presenting!  I'm excited to share with Oklahoma teachers about "Making Note-Taking Fun and Interactive: An Introduction to Interactive Notebooks."

* Oklahoma Geometry and Algebra Project (OGAP) Workshop (5 Days) - Of all the workshops I attended last summer, OGAP was the one that I learned the most at and had the most fun at.  After five days, none of us wanted to leave!  We each made a two-year commitment to this workshop that focuses on preparing teachers to teach Common Core high school math courses.  Last summer, I attended the Edmond Workshop.  But, due to scheduling conflicts, I will be attending the Broken Arrow/Tulsa Workshop this summer.  I'm going to miss getting to reconnect with the teachers from last year, but I'm excited to network and make new connections this summer!  I've used so many ideas this past year from last summer's workshop.  I'm hoping to blog about more of the activities and workshop this summer.  

* Friends of the Library Board Meeting - I'm Vice President of my local Friends of the Library Board of Directors.  My landlord is the President, and she reached out to me to help form a Friends of the Library Group.  We just started this year, and so far we've planned a monthly Senior Book Day and a bi-monthly Children's Story Time.


* 4th of July Trip with my Family - I'm not sure where we're going yet, but my parents are closing down their business for the 2nd - 4th for Independence Day.  This gives us 5 days (including the weekend) to go somewhere.  As small business owners, they have a terrible time taking off during the year.  They've found that they only way to take a vacation is to just close the business down for a few days.  

* Friends of the Library Board Meeting

* Church Camp at Kiamichi Baptist Assembly Campgrounds in Talihina, OK (5 Days) - This will be my 15th year to spend at a week at KBA.  I went as a camper for the first time the summer after I finished the 4th grade.  After three years as a camper, I started going as a junior sponsor and eventually a sponsor.  This is a beautiful place that is very near and dear to my heart.

View From Our Cabin

KBA Sign 

* Twitter Math Camp (4 Days) - I am so, so, so excited to finally get to attend TMC!  After reading about it for the past two years, I'm ready to be part of the action!  I'll even be presenting a session!

* OK Math Convening (3 Days) - This will be a new experience for me.  A group of math teachers from across Oklahoma will be convening in OKC to create tools and resources for all of Oklahoma's teachers.  We're supposed to be thinking about what we want to create to share with others.  I've got so many ideas.  Hopefully, I'll be able to narrow my focus by the end of July!

* Monthly Book Chat

As you can see, this is going to be a busy, busy summer!  There were several workshops that I would have loved to participate in this summer, but I couldn't due to schedule conflicts.  I need a summer that is twice as long so I can fit in all the activities I want to participate in.

This post doesn't even begin to touch all the things I'm planning on doing this summer outside of scheduled activities.  But, that's an entirely different post!
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