This year was my first foray into Standards Based Grading (SBG). I did this only with my Algebra 2 students. We began SBG in Unit 4. And, I required them to track their scores on each learning goal for Units 4-6. Units 7-8 were rushed due to impending state testing, and I didn't do as good of a job with them as I should have.
For Unit 4 and 5, I required students to write out the learning goals for themselves. For Unit 6, I typed out the learning goals for them, and they only had to fill in their scores.
When I made the transition in January to 0 or 100 grading on the INBs, it was partially out of my frustration of students not keeping track of their scores as they should. When I only knocked 10 points off their grade for not filling out the sheet, most students didn't fill out the sheet. When I gave them a 0 for their notebook grade until the sheet was filled out, students actually started keeping up with their scores!
There is a story and a student behind each and every one of these score tracking sheets. I'm not sure if these will be of interest to anybody but myself, but I present to you a sampling of SBG tracking sheets.
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SBG Score Tracking Sheets in INB
SBG Score Tracking Sheets in INB
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