Now that my classroom decor is starting to come together, it's time to start focusing on what I want my students to do on the first two days of class. We start the school on Thursday, August 14th. Oh me. Oh my! So much to do before then!
In an attempt to get back into the swing of things with blogging before school starts, I want to share a side project that I have chosen to be a part of. As you all know, I adore blogging and twitter and the entire #MTBoS. So, it's only natural for me to want to get math teachers involved in this community which I love. Have you ever sat down and tried to list all of the math teacher bloggers from your state? Well, I did this for Oklahoma, and the list was surprisingly small. Want to see the list? I wrote it up as a blog post for OKMathTeachers!
If you didn't click on the preceding link, you missed out on something amazing. Okay, maybe it's not amazing. Amazingly crazy? Well, whatever it is, I did something I've never done before in my life. I video taped myself, AND I posted it to the Internet. I'll embed the video for you below. If you can't see it, click here to go to YouTube. It's me, and I'm talking about why I LOVE the #MTBoS.
So, I'm working on a team that is trying to get Oklahoma math teachers involved in the #MTBoS. Here's a post I wrote introducing OK teachers to the #MTBoS. For some teachers who have never even read a blog post before, getting involved in this online community of math teachers can sound incredibly intimidating. To help introduce teachers to the #MTBoS without (hopefully) scarring them for life, we are inviting Oklahoma math teachers to help write a collaborative blog. This blog will be housed on Writing a few posts a year for a collaborative blog is less scary than starting your own blog, right??? I hope so!
I know that there has to be some Oklahoma math teachers who read my blog whom I have not had the pleasure to meet in person. If this is you, I want to extend the invitation to write some guest blog posts for! Scroll to the top of this page and hit the contact me button. Send me an e-mail telling me that you're an Oklahoma math teacher who would love to get started with blogging. I'll e-mail you back with all the details. We'd LOVE to have you! Or, if I have met you in person but I haven't invited you to be a part of this, e-mail me! The more the merrier!
If you're not an Oklahoma math teacher, I have a favor to ask of you as well. Please add to your RSS reader! Come Septemberish, we're aiming to have 5 new blog posts each week written by Oklahoma math teachers. It's going to be amazing. I can't wait to see what comes out of this collaborative effort! These posts will be written by Oklahoma teachers, but we want to share them with the entire world!
If you're not an Oklahoma math teacher, I have a favor to ask of you as well. Please add to your RSS reader! Come Septemberish, we're aiming to have 5 new blog posts each week written by Oklahoma math teachers. It's going to be amazing. I can't wait to see what comes out of this collaborative effort! These posts will be written by Oklahoma teachers, but we want to share them with the entire world!