I'm not quite ready to post pics of my classroom decor yet because I want to make sure everything is PERFECT before taking a set of "final" pictures, but I do want to share pics of the posters. I'll also be updating the original posts for each set of posters so people can see what they look like in action!
Consider this your sneak peek into my classroom. Don't worry. I'll be sure to give you the comprehensive tour soon!
I've still got 2 bulletin boards to decorate, a dry erase board to grid, and calculator holders (shoe holders) to buy and hang. I also want to frame my diploma. I graduated in 2012. It's now 2014. Yeah... Plus, my sister made me a pi sign to hang on the wall. And, my family is helping me make a mailbox to keep in my classroom for Friday letters. I'm super excited about this upcoming school year!
Below each picture, I linked to the blog post where I uploaded the files for you to download each set of posters. Enjoy the posters! And, if you use any of them in your classroom, I'd LOVE to see them!