One of my students' favorite ways to solve quadratic equations is by square roots. I covered solving by square roots after solving by factoring. Since my Algebra 2 students still struggle with factoring fluently, solving by square roots is like a breath of fresh air to them. They get it. Square roots are accessible. However, they have a tendency to forget that the square root of sixteen is not just four. It's positive or negative four. No matter how many times I emphasize it, they can't seem to remember the plus or minus sign in front of their answer.
This year, I decided to remedy this by putting an obnoxiously large plus or minus sign in their notebook. We took the notes on top of the plus or minus sign. These are the same plus or minus signs that I used last year for graphing different types of slope in Algebra 1. I love finding new uses for files I've already created!
Solving a Quadratic Equation by Square Roots - Interactive Notebook Page |
I wish I could say that this method was fool-proof. I wish I could say that my students never forgot the plus or minus sign in front of their answer. But, then, I'd be lying to you. I do think that this visual helped some of my students, though.
Here's the two-page spread in our interactive notebooks. I have yet to blog about the Zero-Product Property and Solving Quadratics by Factoring yet. They're coming, though. I promise. Pinkie promise.
Solving Quadratic Equations INB Pages |
You may download my quadratic function files below. If you have trouble accessing the file, please send me an e-mail. I will be happy to attach the files and send them your way!