Blood Drive

One of the things that has been keeping me busy for the past couple of weeks is getting everything ready for our blood drive at school.  Student Council was volunteered to help run the blood drive, and I'm in charge of Student Council.  So, it's only naturally that I'm now semi-in-charge of the blood drive.

Have I mentioned that I know nothing about coordinating a blood drive?  I've never even donated blood before.  I've always had trouble getting blood drawn, so I've always assumed I would have trouble donating blood.  Seriously, I'm that patient that goes to Urgent Care and leaves with the nickname of Pin Cushion because it takes 2 nurses and 2 doctors to finally draw blood.  It's not a good sign when the doctor says, "Wow!  I've never seen anybody with veins quite like yours before.  I give up.  I'm not poking you again.  Somebody else will have to draw your blood."

Blood Drive
I kind of took over the trophy case with blood drive reminders.  I hung up a poster, a sample of the t-shirt people will get for donating, a poster with QR codes that can be scanned for more information, and a gigantic sign-up sheet. 

Blood Drive Sign Up Information

I'm hoping our turnout is good for this blood drive.  Thanks to our recent snow storm, the Oklahoma Blood Institute had to cancel multiple blood drives.  So, they are relying on our blood drive to have a good turnout in order to hopefully avoid shortages.  

Anyone have any advice to offer a first time blood drive coordinator?  I definitely need it!

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