
The school year is off to a pretty good start!  I have yet to win over my current students.  They just don't quite know what to think of me yet.  A good number of them are currently in the stage of "I hate math.  I hate this class.  I hate you." Okay, maybe they don't hate me, but it certainly feels like it some days.  Once we have our first test, I'm hoping that my students will start to see themselves as capable when it comes to mathematics.

Friday morning, one of my Algebra 1 students gave me this problem to solve.  They decided that since I gave them problems to solve everyday, I needed to be given a problem to solve.  I read it and smiled, but I didn't write anything.  
I am so blessed to have students from last year drop by my classroom on a daily basis.  Some of them come in for help with their math homework.  But, most of them come in to just chat.  I ask them how their life is going.  We talk about their hobbies or extracurricular activities.  They question me about why I'm changing the way I do some things in my classroom.  Why do you sing to your students this year, but you didn't sing to us last year?  Why do you have "Super Star Students" this year, but you didn't have them last year?  These conversations remind me why I chose to stay in this school district.  These students need me.  I'm making a difference here.

The next hour, I come into my classroom after the bell rings to find this addition.
And, before long, my current group of students will come around, too.

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