Box to Hold Absent Work |
Absent Work Form "Today, You Missed..." |
This year, I'm trying something new. We're not even a month into school yet, so I don't know that this works in the long run, but this new system is definitely working better than last year's system! On my cabinet, I have a hanging file box that says "Absent? Look here!" The first hanging file has a half-page form that I fill out for each student who was absent that day. I write their name, the date, and check off whatever they missed that day. If there are any handouts, I staple them to the back of the form. Since the amount of writing I have to do is minimized, I can get these done in a very small amount of time at the end of the day. Instead of dreading this end of day task, I actually look forward to it because it's one of the easiest things to mark off my to-do list!
When students come to me and say they were absent, all I have to do is point to the box. I can also easily check and see what students are not picking up the assignments they missed. If you are interested in the form I use, I have embedded it for your below to download!