This post has been setting in my drafts for a while now. I'm not sure why I never posted it. So, the date references are all wrong, but I think you'll be able to follow along. I almost deleted this since it was so old, but I decided to post it as a plea for advice. Keeping my desk organized is a huge struggle or me. So, I want to hear all your tips and tricks for staying organized during the school year. I obviously need them!
In high school, I won an award for being the most organized student. I was always the one with the binder full of tabs and sheet protectors. I always had all my needed supplies. And, everything had a place. I'm not sure what happened to me. The other day, a student asked, "Ms. Hagan, why is your desk always so messy?" I just don't know. When I do clean my desk off, I will have at least five people (coworkers and students) acknowledge how clean my desk is. That's a sign that it's quite the rare occurrence.
Last week, I decided that I wasn't giving any standardized tests on Wednesday or Thursday. So, I was going to make it my goal to clear my desk off before the three day weekend.
I even took a before picture to help motivate myself. After all, then I could look at the after picture and feel so accomplished.
Wednesday afternoon, I got unexpectedly called on to proctor a state test during my planning period.
(Not Much Better!)
So, Wednesday didn't end in a clean desk. There's still Thursday, though. Hope lives on!
What a great after picture, right? A clean desk should not be this hard.
Why am I showing you pictures of my messy, unorganized desk? This is a plea for help, guys. I promise. I don't want my desk to look like this.
I much prefer for it to look like this:
So, how do you keep your desk clean? How do you stay organized?
Me and My Desk: A Plea for Help
Category → Me and My Desk: A Plea for Help » classroom , organization » Math equal LOVE