Okay, it wasn't an actual wedding. It was a project put on by our Marriage & Family Class that is one of our FACS offerings. The students elected two of their classmates to be bride and groom. A decorating committee was formed. They had a cake committee, too. An actual pastor stood in to do the service. The bride's dress was made out of trash bags. She was given away by our science teacher.
Other students stood in as bridesmaids and groomsmen. We had probably the oldest flower girl in the history of flower girls. And, the student running the sound lost track of what he was supposed to be doing a couple of times. But, this was more than a lesson; it was an experience.
Last summer, I read Teach Like a Pirate, and I had all these grand ideas. But, I followed through on so few of them. It's so easy to get into the routine of teaching things the way you've always taught them before. I want to do better next year. I want my lessons to not only teach but to create memories. Experiences. I don't want my students to just do math. I want them to experience math.
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