As the school year winds down, the attention and care that students give to their work decreases. These are some pictures of actual answers I found on homework during the last week of school
Do you ask your students to put the date on their assignments? Me too! This student took my date request a little differently than I intended.
I'm relieved to know that "we're just friends," and my student doesn't want to date me! Phew!
Okay, this one isn't an answer, but a drawing below an answer. Let's play a game. What's wrong with this picture?
As part of the OGAP workshop I attended last summer and will attend this summer, I had to administer a pre- and post-test to my students. My students are done with their EOIs, and they knew I wasn't going to be giving them a grade for this post-test based on accuracy. (This is our last year with our old standards, and this test is based on the new CCSS. Therefore, many of the questions covered things that are not currently included in our Algebra 2 class.) That shows in their answers!
Complex fraction woes.
Rewriting the problem makes it look like you did something.
Apparently, people like red cars.
My least favorite three letters in the world: IDK.
Light years and incorrect grammar. Oh my!
When all else fails, write random words in the answer blanks.
Or, draw a picture of your heartbeat upon seeing the problem.
I'm so thankful that it is practically summer! My students need a break, and I need a break, too!
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