Bloglovin (And a Google Reader Rant)

Sorry for the rant you're about to read.  Google Reader has been gone for ages.  But, I still miss it.  

Every.  Single.  Day.    

Why Google?  Why?  Why did you have to take away something that worked so well for so many people?

When something was part of your daily life for so long, life without it is just not the same.  I tried to fill the void with The Old Reader.  And, it worked to some degree.  

Then, this week happened.  A nice little bar popped up at the top of my Old Reader Window.

You are currently using 623 of the 100 subscriptions available for your plan.  You should consider an upgrade to premium.

They were now offering a premium version.  I usually ignore these things.  Except this time, they weren't really giving me a choice.  I either had to upgrade to premium and pay them $60/year to keep up with all of my favorite math teacher blogs OR I had to choose only 100 blogs to subscribe to.  When you currently subscribe to 623 blogs, that is a definite problem.  

So, once again, I'm changing feed readers.  I'm trying something new.  It's painful.  

I'm hoping I love Bloglovin.  We'll see...

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