Today, I was very blessed to meet some of my tweeps in person! I had a lovely lunch with @druinok, @Johnsonmath, and @RebeckahMozdeh. We had some great conversations over delicious Mexican food. It was good to put an actual person to the twitter avatars that I am used to communicating with. :)
Today's Made4Math project is something that I actually started way back in May. Inspired by this pin, I sat out to create my own set of nesting boxes to represent the real number system. Luckily for me, my parents run a business that does a lot of shipping. They have an entire room upstairs that is full of empty cardboard boxes. So, with only a little digging, I was able to find the perfect set of boxes. I used a box knife to cut the flaps off each box, and I cut down each box so that it was the same height.
Real Number System Nesting Boxes Green - Real Numbers Blue - Rational Numbers Purple - Irrational Numbers Red - Integers Yellow - Whole Numbers White - Natural Numbers |
Real Number System Nesting Boxes - Unstacked |
I actually have one more step to complete before these are finished. I need to label them! For some strange reason, I just discovered that I don't actually have a Sharpie in my house. My search resulted in a grand total of one permanent marker. But, it was one of those super jumbo markers, and I decided that wouldn't be the best idea. So, tomorrow, I will label each box with the subset of the real number system that it represents!
(Or - maybe I should put the labels on velcro. Then, students could practice velcroing (is that even a word???) the correct name to the correct box. And, I could provide laminated numbers that students would have to put in the most specific subset of the real number system. Hmm...)
Last year, I had my students fill out a graphic organizer that emphasized this, but some students were still confused. I still plan on doing the graphic organizer. These will just be a concrete representation of the Real Number System that I will refer to when introducing it.
Graphic Organizer from Last Year's Interactive Notebook |