Interactive Notebook Table of Contents

Last year, I had my students keep a table of contents at the front of their interactive notebooks.  It was an utter failure.  So, this summer, I decided I was going to do away with the table of contents.  My students had not utilized it to locate pages, and it just wasn't a battle I felt like fighting.

Then, a few days before school started, I decided that I would have my students create a mini table of contents for each unit/chapter.  This would take the place of the pockets we made last year that none of my students really used.

Unit Table of Contents Page for Interactive Notebook
When we glued in our first table of contents for Unit 1, I told my students that this table of contents was one hundred percent their responsibility.  I would not be reminding them to enter the new pages on their table of contents, but I would be grading it at the end of each unit.  And, you know what?  It's been working so far.  Every day, I see my students adding the titles of our new interactive notebook pages to the table of contents.

I wasn't sure how many entry lines to put on the table of contents page.  I settled on 15.  If this isn't enough, I will make an extender page that students will be able to tape at the bottom of the page to have more room to write.

I'm feeling a lot better about the table of contents situation now!  Plus, this makes our interactive notebook seem more like a textbook which is good because it is my students' textbook.

I've embedded the file below for your use!

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