I chose the thirteen most important vocabulary words to know for our unit. For each vocabulary term, students had to circle 1, 2, 3, or 4. 1 stands for "I've never heard of the term." 2 means "I've seen or heard of this term before." An answer of 3 represents "I think I know this term." And, 4 means "I know the term and can explain it."
I had students fill out this chart for the first time before I taught anything related to radicals. Students circled the numbers that reflected their current level of understanding. Some of my students were a little frustrated with this activity because they didn't know what any of these words meant. I explained that this was okay because we hadn't started the unit yet. Students then added up all of the circled numbers to arrive at their "Vocabulary Knowledge Rating."
I did have a lot of false 4 ratings on the term "index." They were surprised to find out that I wasn't referring to the back of a non-fiction book. One class also had an interesting debate over whether the index was the same as the table of contents.
Front of Vocabulary Survey Foldable |
Inside of Vocabulary Survey Foldable |
I ran out of time, and I never did have my students complete the last survey. But, I'm glad I did this activity. It boosted my students' confidence, and it inspired a lot of great questions. I definitely want to occasionally incorporate this into my classroom again next year. I don't know if it something that would be beneficial to do for every unit though.
I've embedded my foldable file below if this could be of use to anyone else.